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Books For Babies - Bilingual

This selection of board books is perfect for bilingual families or those hoping to expose their baby to another language.


Head, shoulders, knees and toes. Arabic & English by illustrated by Annie Kubler

al-Alwān = Colors by designed by Hakan Şan Borteçin

Hip, hop by Catherine Hnatov

Animal colors. Arabic & English by Brian Wildsmith


Yin yue = Music by [designed by Hakan Şan Borteçin]

School = Xue xiao: English—Chinese by designed by Christangelos Seferiadis

My face book


¿Qué hay en mi armario? by por Kathleen Rizzi ; ilustrado por Jenna Riggs = What's in my dresser? / by Kathleen Rizzi ; illustrated by Jenna Riggs

Faster! Faster! = Más rápido! Más rápido! by Leslie Patricelli

Mis primeras palabras en casa = My first words at home

Dónde está el gatito? = Where's the kitten? by [by Cheryl Christian ; photographs by Laura Dwight ; translated by María A. Fiol] = Dónde está el gatito? / [por Cheryl Christian ; fotografías por Laura Dwight ; traducido por María A. Fiol]

School = Colegio: English-Spanish


Les familles = Families

Manger l'arc-en-ciel = Eating the rainbow: a colorful food book by Rena D. Grossman

Porte-moi = Carry me

School = L'école: English—French by [designed by Christangelos Seferiadis]

Les nombres = Numbers