Green Songs not Just for St. Patrick's Day

When I think of St. Patrick's Day, I think of the color green. Frogs, leprechauns, grass, green beans, there are a lot of green things in this world. Sure, you hear a lot of Irish songs for the holiday, but there are many other "green" songs out there. Here are some other songs that celebrate all things green!

Green eggs and ham and other servings of Dr. Seuss by Seuss, Dr

Under the green corn moon: Native American lullabies

Rockabye baby!: lullaby renditions of Green Day

Time out to rock! by The Not-Its!

Mr. Froggy's friends' ABCs by Mar. Harman

Bullfrog jumped: children's folksongs from the Byron Arnold Collection

Songs about colors & shapes

Songs from the street: 35 years of music

The Muppet show: the 25th anniversary collection: music, mayhem, and more!

Mr. Al sings colors and shapes by Mr. Al

The story & songs of the Wizard of Oz: original motion picture soundtrack