Fiction books for English Language Learners

Adult English Language Learners who want to work on reading skills might find the following books helpful and interesting:

1984: a novel by George Orwell ; with an afterword by Erich Fromm


Brave new world by Aldous Huxley

The Stepford wives; a novel by Levin, Ira

True grit: a novel by Charles Portis

Tender is the night by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway

Fiction books that made us laugh

Below are the results of a survey of CPL staff on the books that made them laugh. You might have to put some on hold, they are very popular!

"Anything by Erma Bombeck"
Wooster and Jeeves books by P. G. Wodehouse

Forrest Gump: a novel by Winston Groom

One for the money by Janet Evanovich and the rest of the Stephanie Plum series

The color of magic by Terry Pratchett

Community Literacy Council

The Plymouth-Canton Community Literacy Council  (CLC) is a volunteer, non-profit organization aiming to improve adult literacy in Plymouth-Canton and surrounding areas of Western Wayne County.  The CLC mission is to provide adults with basic reading, writing and communication skills, so they may participate in their community and reach their fullest potential in life.  For over 27 years, the CLC has been offering tutoring services to enhance the lives of individuals in our community.
