
Make Your Own eBooks

Here's a fairly-quick way to turn websites, Microsoft Word documents, and plain text files into eBooks for your portable device or computer:

  1. Go to ebook.online-convert.com and select "Convert text to the ePub ebook format"
  2. Select the file from your computer, or copy/paste the URL of the file into the applicable form field
  3. Set the optional settings to reflect the title and author of the work
  4. Click "Convert File" to begin processing
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions to download the converted file
  6. Transfer to your reading device per the specific device's instructions

I personally use an iPhone with the iBooks app. Loading a "book" onto my phone was as easy as emailing the file to myself and tapping the attached file from the Mail app.

Many readers also display PDF files. If you wish to read long-form content from your computer on your reader device, PDF print utilities like PDF reDirect for Windows or the built-in functionality on the Mac can provide a quick and compatible way to create eReader files.


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