Kids Book Lists

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Practice Kindness

"In a world where you can be anything, be kind." That quote isn't credited by anyone famous. If there's one thing we need in the world right now, is more kindness. Kindness is a quality we learn early in life by treating others with empathy, fairness, compassion and respectfulness without expecting praise in return. At the heart of any act of kindness, is selflessness. When we put another's comfort or well-being ahead of our own, we feel good. By giving or practicing kindness, it lifts our spirit and our mood. The stress hormone in our body decreases, boosting the levels of serotonin and dopamine in our brains giving us the warm feeling of well-being. Where focus grows, energy flows.  When we practice kindness, we create connections with others and that helps build stronger communities. "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." Now that quote is by a famous person, the Dalai Lama. Start your day by asking yourself, "How am I going to practice kindness today?" We got some ideas to help you put kindness on repeat.

  • Start with an inspiring book list donated by Citizens for Peace whose mission is to facilitate practices and principles of non-violence in the world. 


Complete this 62 Days activity by learning something you didn’t know about the Canton Public Library or by asking us questions. 


Exercise Your Curiosity about the Library

  • Use the “Ask a Librarian” option on our Contact Us form to ask a reference question remotely.
  • Use Social Media to ask us a question, tell us how we are doing, or learn more. Find and follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.

  • Explore a limited staff directory and meet a few of the people who keep CPL up and running.

Thorndyke the Bear and Little Buddy


Meet Thorndyke and LB

Thorndyke T. Bear is our resident library bear. Thorndyke and his friend LB (Little Buddy) keep an eye over the Children's Library and have adventures. You can follow their exploits at Thorndyke Thoughts.

          Thorndyke the Bear  
          1200 S. Canton Center Road
          Canton, MI  48188

Explore Hidden Gems of the Library

  • Have you noticed the art located in and around the library? Discover our sculptures, quilts, paper mache works, bronze statues, vintage posters and more in a video, see most of the art with a 'walk' through via Google, or stop by the Information Desk to get a map and see the art in person.
  • Get a quick look at our sorting system when it was first set up. The sorter room is our hub for all returning materials and is visible through the glass doors on the way to the Children's section. 


Learn about the Library's History

Take a Deeper Dive into Libraries

Explore these resources to learn even more about libraries beyond the Canton Public Library. We are just a small part of a larger tradition of community service.

Libraries and Books: A Celebration for Children

Teen Fiction About Books 

Celebrate Libraries and Books: Reading for Adults

A Biography tells you all about someone's life. In these fantastic new additions to our JBIO collection, be prepared to be taken to other places, times, and lifestyles. Who knows? Maybe it will be your Biography or Memoir that we have on the library's shelves to share with a new generation of kids and adults.

JoJo Siwa : fan favorite by Heather E Schwartz

Fans of JoJo Siwa-or as she calls them, Siwanators-know JoJo's personality is as colorful as her bows. Learn all about how JoJo danced, laughed, and sparkled her way to fame and her own business empire.

Since 1970, Earth Day has been celebrate to acknowledge, discover, and demonstrate support for environmental protection. The books below share stories about the Earth, as well as ways that we can support and protect our planet. What will you do to make the Earth a better place?

Picture Books

Caillou : plants a tree by 1968- Sarah Margaret Johanson

Pets can bring such joy and comfort to our lives. They become a source of solace, our best friends, and of course, the source of super adorable photos, memes, and videos! Whether your pet is furry, feathery, or scaly, enjoy these great pet themed books. 

Guinea pigs by Christina Leaf

This book introduces beginning readers to guinea pigs through simple, predictable text and related photos.

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, was born on June 10, 1921 and passed away on April 9, 2021, just shy of his 100th birthday. While his family and the world mourns and funeral arrangements are made, we can look back at the life of a leader, husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. The longest living member of the British Royal Family due to his marriage to Queen Elizabeth, he will be cherished in memory by friends and family for many generations to come.   

Life of Prince Philip

Here at the library we love stories. It's kind of our thing! On April 27th we can all access our storytelling muscles as we celebrate National Tell a Story Day. We have so many to share with you, and of course, you could always make up your own--as silly, scary, or magical as you like. Have a great day!

Can you come out and play?

If you woke up tomorrow in Egypt with a yen for a good game of tag, you could find it. Then you could hop on your magic carpet and fly to Thailand to play Go Fish with some new friends. Later, you could seesaw until the cows come home in Ireland. Everyone loves to play and the universal appeal of games and goofing around is joyfully evident in COME OUT AND PLAY.

Brilliant, full-color photographs portray exuberant, playful kids from over 35 countries engaging in games of all kinds.

Penguins, penguins, everywhere! April 25th is World Penguin Day and what a joyful day it will be. You could be a part of this amazing day--practice your penguin waddle, draw penguin pictures and post them, build your own penguin nest out of things your find, and be sure to enjoy our great penguin materials available through our catalog! The ideas are endless. 


Do you love Dog Man? I know we do at the library but he is always checked out! Well, have no fear, we have some great books similar to Dog Man that you can enjoy reading while you are waiting for that newest Dog Man title to come back in. You might even make some really awesome new book friends as the same time! Enjoy!

Narwhal : unicorn of the sea by artist 1988- Ben Clanton

A happy-go-lucky, waffle-loving narwhal and a cynical, no-nonsense jellyfish forge an unlikely friendship and share adventures while exploring the ocean together.

Check out these stories of spunky princesses who march to the beat of their own drum.

Cinder Edna by Ellen Jackson

Cinderella and Cinder Edna, who live with cruel stepmothers and stepsisters, have different approaches to life; and, although each ends up with the prince of her dreams, one is a great deal happier than the other!

Do princesses make happy campers? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle

Through rain and sunshine, fairy houses and fishing, this happy camper discovers that lots of fresh air and looking on the bright side are all a girl needs to make her a princess.
