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What We're Reading: August 2016

Lots of fun reads, but if you have time for only one read make it Nicholas Carr's The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains, a balanced report on our growing reliance on the internet with a brief history of reading, books, and libraries.

Murder on the bucket list by Elizabeth Perona
Also available in: e-audiobook

When a young woman is found brutally murdered, and the DCI in charge is unable to take up the case, the role is passed on to Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison, the first female DCI to handle such a responsibility. Between a slippery suspect and resistence from her team of detectives, Tennison has her hands full.

Also available in: audiobook | e-audiobook

Discusses the intellectual and cultural consequences of the Internet, and how it may be transforming our neural pathways for the worse.