Thorndyke Thoughts: Summer Progress

Thorndyke and Little Bear

Hey Kids,

I’ve been working on my Connect Your Summer badges. This is a lot of work! I’m lucky I’m On-the-Scene all the time, so finding good books and going to programs isn’t too hard for me. I’d love to hear about what you’re doing to earn your Connect Your Summer badges. If you have any good books or movies to suggest, you can leave them in the comments. I think my favorite book so far has been Finding Winnie, and my favorite movie was DisneyNature’s Bears. I need to work a little harder on my eLectrified badges, too.

Don't forget your last day to earn and claim badges is Wednesday, August 17 before the library closes at 9:00 PM. Then come to our final party on Saturday, August 20 for a fantastic wrap-up to the summer.

Bear hugs,
