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Thorndyke Thoughts: New Home

Thorndyke the Bear


Hey Kids!

I've been settling into a new home over the last month. Many of you have already visited, but if you haven't seen my new digs, please drop by. All the old, fun things are still here - the tunnels, the fish, the tree, the books - and some great new resources to check out! I've even had my first houseguests: Mama Duck and her flock of ducklings will be staying until the little ones get big enough to fend for themselves in the great wide world. 

So please stop on by. Find a new reading spot, fill your water bottle at our new water fountain, and investigate the new layout. Can't wait to see you here!

Bear Hugs, 


P.S. I've been reading a lot about ducks since the arrival of the ducklings. Check out some of the titles below.


Littl Tufty got lost during migration with her family. Yet she was rescued by a man.

Bear and Duck by Katy Hudson
Little ducks go by Emily Arnold McCully
Just ducks! by Nicola Davies
Ducks by Wil Mara