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Thorndyke Thoughts: Audiobooks for a Road Trip

Thorndyke at Novi Public Library with Car


Hey Kids,

June is Audiobook Month. To celebrate, check out an audiobook (or more than one!) for your next family road trip. Our Books on CD Collections for AdultTeen and Children have thousands of titles to choose from, or you can browse our digital collections.

I've included a few suggestions below to get you started. Titles aimed at younger audiences are listed first, but all of these are excellent possibilities for the whole family. Give one a try next time you hop in the car, and let me know if the comments if you have a favorite book to listen to.

Bear Hugs,


Clementine [sound recording] by Sara Pennypacker

While sorting through difficulties in her friendship with her neighbor Margaret, eight-year-old Clementine gains several unique hairstyles while also helping her father in his efforts to banish pigeons from the front of their apartment building. There are many more adventures of Clementine to listen to at J BOOK ON CD PENNYPACKER.

Johnny, a poor young boy who has acquired magical seeds that allow him to speak with animals, sets off with his animal friends to rescue a kidnapped prince.

Also available in: e-audiobook

Ramona meets lots of interesting people in kindergarten class, like Davy whom she keeps trying to kiss and Susan whose springy curls seem to ask to be pulled. Find more Ramona stories at J BOOK ON CD CLEARY.

Warrior chieftain, awesome sword-fighter, and amateur naturalist, he was known throughout Vikingdom as 'the Dragon Whisperer' on account of his amazing power over these terrifying beasts. Find the rest of the series at J BOOK ON CD COWELL.

Also available in: e-audiobook

Having run away with her younger brother to live in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, twelve-year-old Claudia strives to keep things in order in their new home and to become a changed person and a heroine to herself.

When Molly shows up on Castle Hangnail's doorstep to fill the vacancy for a wicked witch, the castle's minions are understandably dubious. After all, she is twelve years old, barely five feet tall, and quite polite. But the castle desperately needs a master or else the Board of Magic will decommission it, leaving all the minions without the home they love. 

Also available in: e-audiobook

Genie's summer is full of surprises. The first is that he and his big brother, Ernie, are leaving Brooklyn for the very first time to spend the summer with their grandparents all the way in Virginia. Genie thinks Grandpop must be the bravest guy he's ever known, but then he starts to notice that his grandfather never leaves the house. 

Also available in: e-audiobook

Digory and Polly are sent out of their world by Digory's magician uncle and then return to London with an evil queen, Jadis. Attempting to take Jadis back, the children stumble into an empty world where Aslan is about to create Narnia. The story continues at J BOOK ON CD LEWIS.

Stories of the author's childhood from the '60s and '70s told in prose.

Also available in: e-audiobook

Young Meg Murry, her brother Charles, and their friend Calvin, embark on a journey through space and time, assisted by three eccentric women, when they set out to find Meg's father, a physicist who disappeared while experimenting with time travel.

An eighth-grader who dreams of performing in a Broadway musical concocts a plan to run away to New York and audition for the role of Elliot in the musical version of "E.T." Follow the story with Five, Six, Seven, Nate.

Fairest [sound recording] by Gail Carson Levine
Also available in: e-audiobook

In a land where beauty and singing are valued above all else, Aza eventually comes to reconcile her unconventional appearance and her magical voice, and learns to accept herself for who she truly is.

Relates the adventures of a family with two fathers, four adopted boys, and a variety of pets as they make their way through a school year, Kindergarten through sixth grade, and deal with a grumpy new neighbor. Check out the audiobook through MeL.

Also available in: e-audiobook

Rescued from the outrageous neglect of his aunt and uncle, a young boy with a great destiny proves his worth while attending Hogwarts School for Wizards and Witches. The rest of the series can also be found at J BOOK ON CD ROWLING.

Whether it is basketball dreams, family fiascos, first crushes, or new neighborhoods, this bold anthology--written by the best children authors--celebrates the uniqueness and universality in all of us.

Also available in: e-audiobook

On a dark night, travelers from across France cross paths at an inn and begin to tell stories of three children each on their own quest or fleeing their own problems. They are accompanied by a loyal greyhound, Gwenforte, recently brought back from the dead. As the narrator collects their tales, the story of these three unlikely allies begins to come together.

Also available in: e-audiobook

A young witch-to-be named Tiffany teams up with the Wee Free Men, a clan of six-inch-high blue men, to rescue her baby brother and ward off a sinister invasion from Fairyland. Find more of Tiffany Aching's story at YABCD FICTION PRATCHETT.