Technology Challenge: Coding


Technology Challenge Experience: Attend a coding program at the library or try coding at home. Record what you did on your challenge sheet. 

Technology Challenge Explore: Learn about coding by reading materials from the library.

Technology Challenge Engage: Share your coding experience by telling someone else (a friend, family member, or neighbor) or share your experience on social media with the hashtag #CYSStoryBox. 

Books About Coding for Kids

Coding with ScratchJr by Adrienne Matteson

"ScratchJr is a beginner's programming language that is fun and easy to use. Through simple text written to foster creativity and problem solving, students will the art of innovation. Large, colorful images show students how to complete activities. Additional tools, including a glossary and an index, help students learn new vocabulary and locate information."--.

Coding, bugs, and fixes by Heather Lyons

"Learn coding basics in this kid-friendly, easy-to-follow book. It covers algorithms, loops, bugs, and fixes using real-world examples and fun illustrations. Online and offline activities also boost learning and skills."--.

Coding computer programs is one of the most valuable skills for anyone to have. Written for children with little to no coding experience, "Coding Games in Scratch" guides children through building platform games, puzzles, racers, and 3-D action games.

Presents an introduction to the Python programming language with illustrated steps for creating simple projects, including an animal quiz, a password picker, a robot builder, and a screen pet.

Understanding coding with Minecraft by Patricia Green Harris

Discusses how Minecraft Redstone works as a programming language, what the rules are, and how to begin coding.

Books about Coding for Adults

Coding for dummies by Nikhil Abraham

No coding experience is required for Coding For Dummies, your one-stop guide to building a foundation of knowledge in writing computer code for web, application, and software development. It doesn't matter if you've dabbled in coding or never written a line of code, this book guides you through the basics. Using foundational web development languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it explains in plain English how coding works and why it's needed.

T-SQL querying by Itzik Ben-Gan

Squeeze maximum performance and efficiency from every T-SQL query you write or tune. Four leading experts take an in-depth look at T-SQL's internal architecture and offer advanced practical techniques for optimizing response time and resource usage. Emphasizing a correct understanding of the language and its foundations, the authors present unique solutions they have spent years developing and refining. All code and techniques are fully updated to reflect new T-SQL enhancements in Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and SQL Server 2012.

Doug Lowe present all you need to know for getting started with Java. The text includes details on Web programming, creating GUI programs with JavaFX, file and database programming, working with arrays and collections and object oriented programming.

This core C# book has been a favorite of developers ever since the 1st edition came out in 2004. So you can be sure that this 6th edition will deliver the professional skills you're looking for. It's a self-paced book that shows how to use Visual Studio 2015, C# 6.0, and the .NET 4.6 classes to develop Windows Forms applications whether you're new to programming or not. It's an object-oriented book that shows how to use business classes, inheritance, and interfaces the way they're used in the real world. It's a data programming book that shows how to create professional database applications using data sources, ADO.NET code, and the Entity Framework, as well as how to use LINQ to query data structures, from collections to arrays to datasets.