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Suggested Michigan Stories For Fourth Grade


Explore this selection of books either about Michigan or written by authors with ties to Michigan. Books are suggested for Fourth Grade, but remember that each reader is different and might find something interesting at another level.

Cherry bomb squad by David Anthony

In this adventure, a family visit to Cherry Olde Orchard becomes a waking, walking nightmare. The trees pick up root and start laying down the lumber. If that's not enough, their cherry bombs will flatten anything in their path.

The contract by Derek Jeter

In Kalamazoo, Michigan, eight-year-old Derek Jeter, who dreams of playing for the New York Yankees, learns what it takes to be a champion on and off the field.

Dinosaurs destroy Detroit by Johnathan Rand

Nick and Summer travel through time and bring a dinosaur egg back to Detroit with them. Unfortunately, they are followed by angry dinosaurs who ransack the city in order to retrieve the egg.

The door in the wall by Marguerite De Angeli

When Robin falls ill and looses the use of his legs, he is taken in by a monk named Brother Luke and taken to a hospice where he is taught wood carving and patience.

Elijah of Buxton by Christopher Paul Curtis

In 1860, eleven-year-old Elijah Freeman, the first free-born child in Buxton, Canada -- a haven for slaves fleeing the American south -- uses his wits and skills to try to bring to justice the lying preacher who has stolen money that was to be used to buy a family's freedom.