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Suggested Michigan Stories For Fifth Grade


Explore this selection of books either about Michigan or written by authors with ties to Michigan. Books are suggested for Fifth Grade, but remember that each reader is different and might find something interesting at another level.

Be light like a bird by Monika Schröder

After the death of her father, twelve-year-old Wren finds her life thrown into upheaval. And when her mother decides to pack up the car and forces Wren to leave the only home she's ever known, the family grows even more fractured. As she and her mother struggle to build a new life, Wren must confront issues with the environment, peer pressure, bullying, and most of all, the difficulty of forgiving those who don't deserve it.

Bud, not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis

Ten-year-old Bud, a motherless boy living in Flint, Michigan, during the Great Depression, escapes a bad foster home and sets out in search of the man he believes to be his father--the renowned bandleader, H.E. Calloway of Grand Rapids.

The enemy : Detroit, 1954 by Sara Holbrook

The war is over, but the threat of communism and the Cold War loom over the United States. In Detroit, Michigan, twelve-year-old Marjorie Campbell struggles with the ups and downs of family life, dealing with her veteran father's unpredictable outbursts, keeping her mother's stash of banned library books a secret, and getting along with her new older "brother," the teenager her family took in after his veteran father's death.

A boy goes to live with his magician uncle in a mansion that has a clock hidden in the walls which is ticking off the minutes until doomsday.

Magical adventures in Michigan by Leigh A. Arrathoon

Through the wizard apprentice, Mancini, author Leigh Arrathoon celebrates Native American culture while weaving together the Michigan vacation adventures of the Murphy family. Ride along as they visit Holland, Greenfield Village, the Upper Peninsula, Frankenmuth and more.

Once on this island by Gloria Whelan

Twelve-year-old Mary and her older brother and sister tend the family farm on Michigan's Mackinac Island while their father is away fighting the British in the War of 1812.

Also available in: e-book

To gain leadership skills needed to run a cupcake-baking empire when she grows up, Brianna runs for president of the fifth grade--expecting little competition--until a new girl enters the race.

Truth and salsa by Linda Lowery

Having moved temporarily from Michigan to live with her grandmother in Mexico, twelve-year-old Hayley tries to sort out her feelings about her parents' separation while also helping some townsmen who have run into trouble while working in the United States.