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Scavenger Hunts in Books and Media


Finding the perfect read can be something of a treasure hunt. Try one of these titles that feature different kinds of scavenger hunts. Books intended for younger audiences are listed first.

Treasure by Mireille Messier

When two siblings go on a treasure hunt, they aren't sure exactly what kind of treasure they are looking for. What they do know is that treasures are shiny, mysterious and precious. And that all the really good treasures are hidden!

Also in French.

When the gingerbread man gets separated from his class during a field trip to the zoo, he uses his teacher's animal scavenger hunt clues to find his way back to them.

While owl detectives Wallace and Grace are on a scavenger hunt, they find a lost puppy, Jasper, and try to help him find his way home.

Also available in: e-book

After fainting during a school assembly, Stanley uses his time in a safe room to begin drawing a comic book superhero and then enters a treasure hunt so that he can win passes to Comic Fest.

Worse than weird by Jody J. Little

Hoping to ditch two months of chicken coops, kale, and her parents' antiscreen rules, Mac MacLeod sets out to win a citywide food cart scavenger hunt and the money she needs for the summer coding camp of her dreams.

Hoping to ditch two months of chicken coops, kale, and her parents' antiscreen rules, Mac MacLeod sets out to win a citywide food cart scavenger hunt and the money she needs for the summer coding camp of her dreams.

Con quest! by Sam Maggs

Cat and Alex are excited to be at the world's most popular comics convention—and they're even more excited to compete in the Quest, a huge scavenger hunt run by their favorite nerdy celebrity. The big prize: a chance to meet him! 

Seven clues to home by Gae Polisner

Joy Fonseca is dreading her 13th birthday, dreading being reminded again about her best friend Lukas's senseless death on this day, one year ago. She's decided- she's going to finally open the first clue to their annual birthday scavenger hunt Lukas left for her the morning he died, hoping the rest of the clues are still out there. 

The Parker inheritance by Varian Johnson
Also available in: e-audiobook

Twelve-year-old Candice Miller is spending the summer in the old house that belonged to her grandmother, who died after being dismissed as city manager for having the city tennis courts dug up looking for buried treasure--but when she finds the letter that sent her grandmother on the treasure hunt, she finds herself caught up in the mystery.

Told in the alternating voices of Dash and Lily, two sixteen-year-olds carry on a wintry scavenger hunt at Christmas-time in New York, neither knowing quite what--or who--they will find.

People like us by Dana Mele

When a girl is found dead at her elite boarding school, soccer-star Kay Donovan follows a scavenger hunt which implicates suspects increasingly close to her, unraveling her group of popular friends and perfectly constructed life.

As the most destructive war in history ravaged Europe, many of the world's most cherished cultural objects were in harm's way. This is the astonishing true story of people who risked their lives amidst the bloodshed of World War II to locate and save the many priceless treasures and works of art stolen by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.

The gilded wolves by Roshani Chokshi
Also available in: audiobook | e-audiobook

Séverin is offered a treasure that he never imagined: his true inheritance. Together with a team of experts, he'll have to use wits and knowledge to hunt the artifact through the dark and glittering heart of Paris. They might change the world, but only if they can stay alive.

Also available in: audiobook | e-audiobook | large print

Miranda Brooks grew up in the stacks of her eccentric uncle Billy's bookstore, solving the inventive scavenger hunts he created just for her. On Miranda's twelfth birthday, Billy has a falling-out with her mother and disappears. She doesn't hear from him again until sixteen years later when she receives unexpected news: Billy died and left her his failing bookstore, and one final scavenger hunt. 

Also available in: e-book | audiobook | e-audiobook

A delightfully clever novel following one woman and a supporting cast of misfits, dreamers and foes as they race to win a treasure hunt inspired by Edgar Allan Poe, left behind by a dying billionaire.

Oliver and Lucy Sinclair were raised on treasure hunts. Their father would hold a hunt each year, sending his children gallivanting around the house and island to find hidden prizes and secrets. But, like all children do, Oliver and Lucy grew up.