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Savvy Seniors: June 2016

June is National Men's Health Month.

"Family physician and Medical Director of Canyon Ranch Health Resorts recommends ways to resolve and reverse common health problems of men at each stage of adult life. He shares stories of his patients as he focuses on sleep problems, sexual function, and cardiovascular, prostrate, and brain health"--.

"No one can forecast the outcome of prostate cancer. Diagnosis, treatment decisions, and treatment complications are fraught with uncertainty and distress. In Managing Prostate Cancer, Dr. Andrew Roth teaches patients with prostate-cancer and their loved ones strategies for how to live better with the questions and challenges that arise with this diagnosis. These tools will also help healthcare givers to provide improved support for their patients and families"-- Provided by publisher.

This guy is for real-- And he knows that it's never too late to transform your body It's very likely that you have seen Dr. Jeffry Life before. And if you have, you might have thought, How can this seventy-two-year-old doctor have the body of a thirty-year-old? But his photos are very real, and you can look just as good as he does when you take control of your health. The Life Plan introduces a healthy aging lifestyle that any man can master, no matter what shape he may be in.  

As they reach middle age, most men begin looking forward to what's next. They gear up to experience renewed productivity and purpose and are more conscious of their health. This book provides a guide to healthy aging from a man's perspective.