Retro Reads: Louis Sachar

Many 80s and 90's kids know Louis Sachar from his Wayside School books, while 00's kids made Holes a bestselling book (and movie). But did you know Sachar has a bunch of other books and is still writing? His latest, Fuzzy Mud, came out in 2015. Check out the list below to introduce these favorites to your kids or discover something new by Sachar for yourself!     

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Humorous episodes from the classroom on the thirtieth floor of Wayside School, which was accidentally built sideways with one classroom on each story.

More humorous episodes from the classroom on the thirtieth floor of Wayside School, where students learn to tango, face the cafeteria's dreaded Mushroom Surprise, and study a hobo during Show and Tell. Sequel to Sideways stories from Wayside School.

Join Mrs. Jewl's class and try solving over fifty math puzzles and brain teasers.

Join Mrs. Jewls's class and try solving over fifty math puzzles and brainteasers.

Unusual things continue to happen in the classroom on the thirtieth floor of Wayside School, which was accidentally built sideways with one classroom on each story.

Also available in: e-audiobook

Humorous episodes from the classroom on the thirtieth floor of Wayside School.

Holes by Louis Sachar
Also available in: e-book | audiobook | e-audiobook | video

As further evidence of his family's bad fortune which they attribute to a curse on a distant relative, Stanley Yelnats is sent to a hellish correctional camp in the Texas desert where he finds his first real friend, a treasure, and a new sense of himself.

How to: Dig the perfect hole! Identify rattlesnakes, tarantulas, yellow-spotted lizards, Mr. Sir, and other dangerous creatures! Win friends and influence people!.

Small steps by Louis Sachar
Also available in: e-book | audiobook

Three years after being released from Camp Green Lake, Armpit is trying hard to keep his life on track, but when his old pal X-Ray shows up with a tempting plan to make some easy money scalping concert tickets, Armpit reluctantly goes along.

Kidnapped at birth? by Louis Sachar
Also available in: e-book

Red-haired Marvin is convinced that the reason he looks different from the rest of his family is that he is really the lost prince of Shampoon.

Why pick on me? by Louis Sachar
Also available in: e-book

A small incident during recess threatens to turn nine-year-old Marvin into the outcast of his third-grade class.

A flying birthday cake by Louis Sachar
Also available in: e-book

Two days after Marvin sees a glowing green thing like a flying birthday cake in the night sky, his third-grade class is joined by a mysterious new boy with peculiar behavior.

Also available in: e-book

Afraid of his new mountain bike, third-grader Marvin finds himself in a desperate situation when he accepts a challenge to ride down Suicide Hill.

A magic crystal? by Louis Sachar
Also available in: e-book

When Marvin Redpost's new friend Casey shares with him her magic crystal that can make wishes come true, things get out of control.

Also available in: e-book

Marvin is pleased when his teacher asks him to take care of her dog while she's away, but he soon finds that there's more pressure involved than he likes.

 It's no ordinary Thursday for Marvin Redpost and his class ... It's "hole day," and even Mrs. North and Principal McCabe are wearing their very worst clothes. It seemed like a fun idea that morning, but now they're expecting company. The president -- of the United States -- is on his way. And there's no time to change! 

Meet Marvin Redpost, the Master of Mayhem! 

David receives a curse from an elderly woman he has helped his schoolmates attack, and he learns to regret his weakness in pandering to others for the sake of popularity before new friends and a very nice girl help him to be a stronger, more assertive person.

When his wealthy uncle, a champion bridge player who has lost his vision, asks seventeen-year-old Alton to be a cardturner for him, Alton has no idea how much he will ultimately learn from his eccentric relative.

Fuzzy mud by Louis Sachar
Also available in: e-book | audiobook

Two middle-grade kids take a shortcut home from school and discover what looks like fuzzy mud but is actually a substance with the potential to wreak havoc on the entire world.