Researching to Understand

With all of the information we have access to, it is sometimes hard to understand where everyone is coming from. Canton Public Library has some resources to help you work through complicated issues.

If you are interested in comparative essays about current events, check out Opposing Viewpoints in Context. This is a good resource if you are seeking articles in which authors use fact-based arguments to make a case for a certain side of a debate and if you would like to compare arguments. This is good for exploring positions on topics like gun control, recycling, and net neutrality.

If you are looking for academic research on a certain topic, for example the benefits of public libraries, a database like Academic OneFile may be good for you. This database has a range of articles published by professionals in their fields. This is an excellent resource for people seeking foundational information about a specific topic. 

For topics that have been covered by newspapers such as historical events, General OneFile is a wonderful resource. For example, if you are curious about the emergency manager's decisions in Detroit, General OneFile will pull newspaper articles from the time period you are researching so you can better understand the historical moment.


Happy researching!