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Poets in Fiction

Maybe you're not feeling like a poem, but a nice fiction book about a poet sounds appealing. Try one of the following titles.

A poet's bird garden by Laura Nyman Montenegro

After Chirpie the bird escapes from her cage and flies into a tree, a group of poets decides that the best way to entice her down is to create a garden full of seeds, water, hiding places, and materials for building a nest.

Tugg and Teeny by J. Patrick Lewis

Tugg, a gorilla, helps his best friend Teeny, a monkey, in her attempts to become a musician, an artist, and a poet.

Stella Endicott loves her teacher Miss Lilliana, and she is thrilled when the class is assigned to write a poem. Stella crafts a beautiful poem about Mercy Watson, the pig who lives next door--a poem complete with a metaphor and full of curiousity and courage.

Destiny, rewritten by Kathryn Fitzmaurice

Rejecting the idea that she is destined to become a poet, eleven-year-old Emily Elizabeth Davis loses an important family secret hidden in a volume of Emily Dickinson's poems and forges unexpected connections while searching through used-book stores all across town.

The poet's dog by Patricia MacLachlan
Also available in: e-book | e-audiobook

A dog with unusual communication talents loses his poet owner before rescuing two children trapped in a snowstorm and leading them to the poet's cabin, where the children explore the memories that the poet has left behind.

The dreamer by Pam Munoz Ryan
Also available in: e-audiobook

A fictionalized biography of the Nobel Prize-winning Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, who grew up a painfully shy child, ridiculed by his overbearing father, but who became one of the most widely-read poets in the world.

Fly away by Patricia MacLachlan

While in North Dakota helping her Aunt Frankie prepare for a possible flood, Lucy finds her voice as a poet with the help of her two-year-old brother Teddy, the rest of their family, and a few cows.


A sixteen-year-old boy wrestling with depression and anxiety tries to cope by writing poems, reciting Walt Whitman, hugging trees, and figuring out why his sister has been kicked out of the house.

Finding hope by Colleen Nelson

Seeking a fresh start, Hope is excited to become a Ravenhurst Academy boarding student, but when her drug-addicted brother turns up at the school and her online boyfriend suddenly becomes untrustworthy, her new life begins to fall apart.

Forever is the worst long time by Camille Noe Pagán
The anthologist by Nicholson Baker
Also available in: e-audiobook
A free life by Ha Jin
Also available in: e-audiobook

In the wake of the Tiananmen Square massacre, Nan Wu, who had studied in the U.S. in the mid-1980s, leaves China with his wife and son to seek the freedom of the West, embarking on a migration that takes them through the heart of contemporary America.