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Notable Females on Film - Women's History Month

The story of Temple Grandin, an autistic young woman who became a great success story in the field of livestock science.

Film adaptation of the musical play which is the story of the poor Argentine girl who came to the city, became an actress and then a politician's mistress, and then the president's wife.

Dramatization of the life of Joan of Arc centering on her trial and execution.

Born in Boston, MA, in 1932, Plath developed a talent as a writer and published her first poem when she was eight years old. That same year, Plath was forced to confront the unexpected death of her father. In 1950, she began studying at Smith College on a literary scholarship. In 1955, she was granted a Fulbright Scholarship to study in England at Cambridge. There, Plath met Ted Hughes, a respected author. The two fell in love, and married in 1958. However, marriage, family, and a growing reputation as an important poet failed to bring Plath happiness.

An all-girl teenage rock band, the Runaways, finds fame during the 1970s.

The life of artist Frida Kahlo, from her humble upbringing to her worldwide fame and controversy that surrounded both her and her husband, Diego Rivera.

Teenaged Anne Frank, a Dutch Jew, perished along with most of her family in a concentration camp, but her hopes, dreams, and optimistic outlook has endured through the publication of her diary in 1952. Her diary conveys the precariousness of the Frank family and that of their fellow exiles, the Van Daan family and fussy dentist Mr. Dussel. They spent their time hiding from the Gestapo in a tiny Amsterdam attic.