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New Book Club in a Bag Kit

Orphan train [kit] by Christina Baker Kline

Between 1854 and 1929, orphan trains carried thousands of abandoned children from the cities of the East Coast to the farmlands of the Midwest. Vivian Daly was one such child, sent from New York City to an uncertain future a world away. Returning east later in life, Vivian leads a quiet existence on the coast of Maine. But hidden in her attic are vestiges of a turbulent past. Seventeen-year-old Molly Ayer knows that a community-service position helping an elderly widow clean out her attic is the only thing keeping her out of juvenile hall. But as Molly helps Vivian sort through her keepsakes, she discovers that she and Vivian aren't as different as they appear.

CPL's Lunch and a Book Group gave this title 4.6 stars out of 5.

Note: This kit contains 10 copies of the title.