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Libraries and Books: A Celebration for Children


Can't get enough stories about literature and people who create and distribute it? Explore the following titles that touch on topics like the importance of books and libraries, the hidden lives of authors and librarians, and more.

How to read a book by Kwame Alexander
Also available in: e-audiobook

A poetic and beautiful journey about the experience of reading. Begins with planting oneself beneath a tree and leads to a book party one hopes will never end.

Dreamers by Yuyi Morales
Also available in: e-book | audiobook | e-audiobook | video | e-video

A celebration of making your home with the things you always carry: your resilience, your dreams, your hopes and history. It's the story of finding your way in a new place, where one beacon of hope and support is the local library.

Reading Beauty by Deborah Underwood
Also available in: e-book

In this version of Sleeping Beauty, the Princess is threatened with a curse which will start with a paper cut; devastated that all her books have been taken away, she sets out with her dog, Prince, to find the fairy who cast the curse and make her reverse it.

Book Uncle and me by Uma Krishnaswami
Also available in: e-book

Every day, nine-year-old Yasmin borrows a book from Book Uncle, a retired teacher who has set up a free lending library next to her apartment building. But when the mayor tries to shut down the rickety bookstand, Yasmin has to take her nose out of her book and do something.

Booked by Kwame Alexander
Also available in: e-book

Twelve-year-old Nick learns the power of words as he wrestles with problems at home, stands up to a bully, and tries to impress the girl of his dreams. Helping him along are his best friend and sometimes teammate Coby, and The Mac, a rapping librarian who gives Nick inspiring books to read.  

Also available in: e-book

Some of today's most wonderful culture-makers--writers, artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, and philosophers--reflect on the joys of reading, how books broaden and deepen human experience, and the ways in which the written word has formed their own character. Each contribution is accompanied by a special illustration.

Also available in: e-book

Mary Lemist Titcomb was always looking for ways to improve her library. She was concerned that the library was not reaching all the people it could, so Titcomb set about to change the library system forever with her most revolutionary idea of all.

Schomburg : the man who built a library by 1956- Carole Boston Weatherford
Also available in: e-audiobook | video | e-video

Amid the scholars, poets, authors, and artists of the Harlem Renaissance stood an Afro-Puerto Rican named Arturo Schomburg. This law clerk's life's passion was to collect books, letters, music, and art from Africa and the African diaspora and bring to light the achievements of people of African descent through the ages.