May We Suggest? This post contains recommendations from a CPL librarian. To get your own customized recommendation, just fill out the May We Suggest form — you can expect results within 10 days. All suggestions can be found on the May We Suggest blog or by liking May We Suggest on facebook.

Jewish Folklore

Take a peek at the fun Jewish Folklore we have in the Children's Department!

Jewish and American folklore are combined in this witty and original collection of comic Jewish folk tales creatively retold and set on the western frontier of the 1870s. Part wild west sheriff, part old world rabbi. After finishing school in New York, Rabbi Harvey traveled west in search of adventure and, hopefully, work as a rabbi. Like any good collection of Jewish folktales, these stories contain layers of humor and timeless wisdom that will entertain both adults and young readers.

Abukacha's shoes by Tamar Tessler

In a Jewish folktale retold in the author's family, Abukacha, who has the largest feet in the world, has a new pair of shoes and tries to get rid of the old ones, only to find that is not as easy as he expects.

Unable to stand his overcrowded and noisy home any longer, a man goes to the wise old woman who lives nearby for advice.

A collection of Jewish traditional nursery tales from many different countries.

No one will help the Little Red Hen make the Passover matzah, but they all want to help her eat it. Includes information about Passover, a recipe for matzah, and a glossary of Yiddish words used in the story.

A sack full of feathers by Debby Waldman

Yankel loves to tell stories, as long as they are someone else's. He does not see the hurt that his stories cause, the way they spread and change. Then the rabbi hands him a bag of feathers and tells him to place one on every doorstep in the village. Yankel is changed by what happens and finds himself with his best story yet, one of his very own..

Impressed by a poor Jewish shoemaker's belief that God will ensure everything turns out as it should, a shah in Kabul, Afghanistan, devises a series of hardships to test the man's faith.

Bagels from Benny by Aubrey Davis
Golem by David Wisniewski

A saintly rabbi miraculously brings to life a clay giant who helps him watch over the Jews of sixteenth-century Prague.