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Humorous Graphic Novels


Ideas about humor may vary, but each of these has laugh potential.

Little Dee and the penguin by Christopher Baldwin

After her park ranger father dies, Little Dee is swept off on an adventure with a group of animals as they try to protect their penguin friend from being eaten by a pair of hungry polar bears.

A collection of cartoons from the comic strip "Calvin and Hobbes," celebrating the tenth anniversary of the strip's publication.

Also available in: e-book

Best friends Jo, April, Mal, Molly, and Ripley spend a fun summer at Lumberjane scout camp where they encounter yetis, three-eyed wolves, and giant falcons while solving a mystery that holds the fate of the world in the balance.

The pied piper of Hamelin by Russell Brand
Also available in: e-book

Offers an outrageously humorous version of the classic fairy tale about a musician who helps the town of Hamelin with its rat problem.

Bandette in Presto! by Paul Tobin
Nimona by Noelle Stevenson

Lord Blackheart, a villain with a vendetta, and his sidekick, Nimona, an impulsive young shapeshifter, must prove to the kingdom that Sir Goldenloin and the Institution of Law Enforcement and Heroics aren't the heroes everyone thinks they are.

Giant days. Volume one by John Allison
Also available in: e-book

Nineteenth-century adventurer Delilah Dirk plots to rob a rich and corrupt sultan in Constantinople with the aid of her flying boat and her newfound friend, Selim.

Hark! : a vagrant by Kate Beaton

Collects the webcomic "Hark! A Vagrant," which takes a humorous look at both historical fact and literary fiction,.