Get a Jump on Spring: Grab-and-Go

"That is one good thing about this world...there are always sure to be more springs."

L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea


Spring is on its way and the library is here help you get a jump on digging into the earth and cultivating growth. In March, the library is happy to offer grab-and-go kits for creating a plant marker for your own indoor and outdoor plants. Instructions will be included.

Each kit will contain:

  1. One 8x10 Shrinky Dink sheet
  2. Sharpie permanent marker
  3. Plant marker template
  4. Compostable plant cup
  5. Packet of seeds
  6. Baggie of potting soil
  7. Bookmark with instructions + additional gardening resources

You will need to supply at home:

  1. Markers or colored pencils for decorating the plant marker
  2. Oven (for baking the Shrinky Dink)
  3. Cookie sheet (for baking the Shrinky Dink)
  4. Scissors
  • Registration for the grab-and-go kits will take place beginning February 18, while supplies last.
  • Shortly after registration closes on March 12, you will receive an email with instructions on how to pick up your kit. 
  • Kit pick-up will take place from March 15 to March 19.

Upcoming sessions

There are no upcoming sessions available.