Bestselling Fiction of 1988

What were you reading in 1988? Check out this list to jog your memory.

The cardinal of the Kremlin by 1947-2013 Tom Clancy
Silver wedding by 1940-2012 Maeve Binchy
The tommyknockers by 1947- Stephen King
The silence of the lambs by 1940- Thomas Harris
Zoya by Danielle Steel
The queen of the damned by 1941- Anne Rice
The alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Alaska by 1907-1997 James A. (James Albert) Michener
The satanic verses by Salman Rushdie
Dances with wolves by 1945- Michael Blake
The sands of time by Sidney Sheldon
Prelude to foundation by 1920-1992 Isaac Asimov
Breathing lessons by Anne Tyler