Adult STEAM: Space Art

collage of six different images of planets, moons, and comets

Why should kids have all the fun? This NASA @ MyLibrary STEAM program is designed for adults! In this live virtual program, participants will use the elements of art (line, shape, color, value, and texture) to explore topography in space. First, we will examine images from space (planets, meteors, moons, and asteroids) and discuss how the elements of art may be used to understand the images. Then, participants will create their own space-inspired art with library-supplied materials!


This live virtual program will take place via the Zoom video conferencing platform on Thursday, August 6th at 6:30pm. One week prior to the program, registered participants will receive an email with instructions for picking up program supplies and attending the live program.

Registration for patrons 18+ begins July 9 and space is limited (no pun intended). 

Upcoming sessions

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