Language Learning Resources

Thinking of learning a new language or brushing up on a language that you learned in the past but haven't used in a while? Or, are you an English language learner that is looking for help improving your English? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the language learning tools that the CPL has to offer are going to help you out! Come to the library and check out some of our materials for a variety of different languages:

501 Spanish verbs: fully conjugated in all the tenses in a new, easy-to-learn format, alphabetically arranged by Christopher Kendris and Theodore Kendris

Japanese language learning DVD game [videodisc] by TOPICS Entertainment, Inc.; Euro Talk Interactive

Chinese language learning DVD game [videodisc] by TOPICS Entertainment, Inc.; Euro Talk Interactive

American sign language learning system [videodisc] by Costello, Elaine

Basic German [sound recording]

French for Dummies by Consumer Dummies (COR)

Learn Gujarati in a month: easy method of learning Gujarati through English without a teacher by Ishwar Datt

Get started in Hindi by Rupert Snell

Italian for travelers [sound recording] by Fodor's living language

See a list of all of the materials that we have in our world languages collection on our Languages page. Or, check out some of our online language learning databases like, PowerSpeak Languages and Mango Languages, as well as website suggestions on our database page.