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The new AMC drama Turn, starring Jamie Bell, tells the thrilling story of America's first spy ring during the Revolutionary War.  Known as the Culper RIng, it was made up of a farmer and his childhood friends in and around Long Island, New York. Based on the book Washington's Spies by Alexander Rose, the drama was created and written by Michigan's own Craig Silverstein. For more  on this topic try some of these resources:

George Washington's secret six: the spy ring that saved the American Revolution by Brian Kilmeade and Don Yaeger

Unlikely allies: how a merchant, a playwright, and a spy saved the American Revolution by Joel Richard Paul

Nathan Hale: the life and death of America's first spy by M. William Phelps

The battle for New York: the city at the heart of the American revolution by Barnet Schecter

The American Revolution: a history by Gordon S. Wood

Our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor: the forging of American independence, 1774-1776 by Richard R. Beeman

Revolutionaries: a new history of the invention of America by Jack Rakove

Revolutionary summer: the birth of American independence by Joseph J. Ellis

Tories: fighting for the king in America's first civil war by Thomas B. Allen