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Travelling with Juvenile Non-fiction

Kids have you ever wanted to travel but just don't have the time? We have some wonderful non-fiction titles that will help get you to new places and meeting new people from all over the world all from the comfort of your living room couch. Enjoy!

Afghanistan to Zimbabwe: country facts that helped me win the National Geographic Bee by Andrew Wojtanik

P is for passport: a world alphabet by Devin Scillian

Where on Earth? by [editors, Helen Abramson, Steve Setford, Rona Skene]

National Geographic kids world atlas

The Brontë sisters: the brief lives of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne by Catherine Reef

Go! by Daniel Kirk

I, Vivaldi by written by Janice Shefelman ; illustrated by Tom Shefelman

Shipwrecked!: the true adventures of a Japanese boy by Rhoda Blumberg

Weird sports of the world by S.B. Watson

Tales of wonder and magic by collected by Berlie Doherty ; illustrated by Juan Wijngaard