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Thorndyke Thoughts: CYS is Over

Hey Kids,

I hope you enjoyed our Connect Your Summer program as much as I did. The badges, the activities, and all the programs were so exciting! I especially enjoyed the Stormtroopers who came to the Final Party.

Even though summer is almost over, I've still been reading, and one of my favorite books from the last week is 
Julia Child: an extraordinary life in words and pictures by Erin Hagar  — The story is so interesting, and I loved the pictures, which made Julia look so friendly. It took Julia a long time to figure out what she wanted to do, but before she learned to be a chef she worked with spies in World War II. And afterward she became one of the first chefs on TV. When I finished the book one of the first things I did was to find her TV show on how to make omelettes. Then I made an omelette, and it was delicious.
If you're looking for more books on cooking adventures, try one of these.

Alice Waters and the trip to delicious by written by Jacqueline Briggs Martin ; illustrated by Hayelin Choi ; afterword by Alice Waters

A fine dessert: four centuries, four families, one delicious treat by [text by Emily Jenkins ; illustrated by Sophie Blackall]

Starting from scratch: what you should know about food and cooking by written by Sarah Elton ; illustrated by Jeff Kulak

Chinese fairy tale feasts: a literary cookbook by tales by Paul Yee ; illustrations by Shaoli Wang ; recipes by Judy Chan ; foreword by Jane Yolen