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Take a Trip with Adult Non-fiction

Summer will be here before we know it. Are you taking a trip this summer? Yes or no, be sure to earn your Around the World Badge by taking a jaunt through our wide array of Adult Non-fiction. Happy Trails!

Dearie: the remarkable life of Julia Child by Bob Spitz

Franz Kafka by Jeremy Adler

Castles of Britain & Ireland by Lise Hull ; photography by Stephen Whitehorne

Titanic: the tragedy that shook the world one century later

The 100 best affordable vacations by Jane Woolridge & Larry Bleiberg

Imagining Egypt: a living portrait of the time of the pharaohs by written and illustrated by Mark Millmore

In the footsteps of Marco Polo by Denis Belliveau and Francis O'Donnell

Folktales from India: a selection of oral tales from twenty-two languages by selected and edited by A.K. Ramanujan

African folktales: traditional stories of the Black world by selected and retold by Roger D. Abrahams

Atlantis and the silver city by Peter Daughtrey