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Poetry Novels for Middle-Grade Readers

When thinking of books of poetry, most people think of Shel Silverstein, Clement Clarke Moore's The Night Before Christmas, or nursery rhymes. But there's a wealth of other options. Here are some novel length books written in free verse, which is non-rhyming and does not have a regular meter or flow.

This is just a sampling, with more novels in verse available through our catalog.

The crossover by Kwame Alexander

Heartbeat by Sharon Creech

Inside out & back again by Thanhha Lai

Looking for me by Betsy R. Rosenthal

Gone fishing: a novel in verse by Tamera Will Wissinger ; illustrated by Matthew Cordell

May B.: a novel by Caroline Starr Rose

Out of the dust by Karen Hesse

T4: a novel in verse by Ann Clare LeZotte

Eva of the Farm by Dia Calhoun

Rhyme schemer by K.A. Holt