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Making Healthy Food Choices Books for Kids

Apples, cherries, red raspberries: what is in the fruits group? by Brian P. Cleary; illustrations by Martin Goneau; consultant, Jennifer K. Nelson

Green beans, potatoes, and even tomatoes: what is in the vegetable group? by Brian P. Cleary; illustrations by Martin Goneau; consultant, Jennifer K. Nelson

Yogurt and cheeses and ice cream that pleases: what is the milk group? by Brian P. Cleary; illustrations by Martin Goneau; consultant, Jennifer K. Nelson

Macaroni and rice and bread by the slice: what is in the grains group? by Brian P. Cleary; illustrated by Martin Goneau; consultant Jennifer K. Nelson

Black beans and lamb, poached eggs and ham: what is in the meat and beans group? by Brian P. Cleary; illustrations by Martin Goneau; consultant, Jennifer K. Nelson

Going vegan: a healthy guide to making the switch by Dana Meachen Rau

Going vegetarian: a healthy guide to making the switch by Dana Meachen Rau

Going organic: a healthy guide to making the switch by Dana Meachen Rau

Cooking with fruits and vegetables by Claire Llewellyn; with recipes by Clare O'Shea

Carbonated beverages: the incredibly disgusting story by Adam Furgang

Mystery meat: hot dogs, sausages, and lunch meats: the incredibly disgusting story by Stephanie Watson

Fake foods: fried, fast, and processed: the incredibly disgusting story by Paula Johanson

Salty and sugary snacks: the incredibly disgusting story by Adam Furgang