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International Mysteries

The beige man by Helene Tursten ; translation by Marlaine Delargy


The Rome prophecy by Sam Christer


The Andalucian friend: a novel by Alexander Söderberg


Anonymous sources by Mary Louise Kelly


Jar city by Arnaldur Indriason ; translated from the Icelandic by Bernard Scudder


The shape of water by Andrea Camilleri ; translated by Stephen Sartarelli


The fifth heart by Dan Simmons


The Bat by Jo Nesbo ; translated from the Norwegian by Don Bartlett


The keeper of lost causes by Jussi Adler-Olsen ; translated by Lisa Hartford


Whispering shadows: a novel by Jan Philipp-Sendker ; translated from the German by Christine Lo


The heist: a novel by Janet Evanovich and Lee Goldberg