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Historical "What Ifs"

What if the Allied invasion of Europe on D-Day had failed? The Mayflower had not sailed? The Mongols had succeeded in conquering Europe? JFK hadn't been assassinated? Napoleon had invaded North America? The South had won the Civil War? Go back in time and reimagine history as it might have been with the following fascinating titles:

Almost America: from the colonists to Clinton: a 'what if' history of the U.S. by Steve Tally

Almost history: close calls, plan B's, and twists of fate in American history by Roger Bruns

The Confederate States of America: what might have been by Roger L. Ransom

Days of destiny: crossroads in American history: America's greatest historians examine thirty-one uncelebrated days that changed the course of history by general editors, James M. McPherson, Alan Brinkley; editor, David Rubel

If the Allies had fallen: sixty alternate scenarios of World War II by edited by Dennis Showalter & Harold Deutsch; foreword by William R. Forstchen

Then everything changed: stunning alternate histories of American politics: JFK, RFK, Carter, Ford, Reagan by Jeff Greenfield

What ifs? of American history: eminent historians imagine what might have been by edited by Robert Cowley; new essays by Antony Beevor ... [et al.]

What ifs? of American history: eminent historians imagine what might have been by edited by Robert Cowley; new essays by Antony Beevor ... [et al.]