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Healthy Living

1 pound a day: the Martha's Vineyard diet detox and plan for a lifetime of healthy eating by Dr. Roni DeLuz, RN, ND, PhD, and James Hester ; with Diane Reverand

7 years younger: the revolutionary 7-week anti-aging plan by the editors of Good housekeeping

Young for life: the easy no-diet, no-sweat plan to look and feel 10 years younger by Marilyn Diamond and Dr. Donald "Rock" Schnell

Clean cuisine: an 8-week anti-inflammatory nutrition program that will change the way you age, look & feel by Ivy Ingram Larson and Andrew Larson, MD, FACS, FASMBS

Shred: the revolutionary diet: 6 weeks, 4 inches, 2 sizes by Ian K. Smith

The FastDiet: lose weight, stay healthy, and live longer with the simple secret of intermittent fasting by Dr. Michael Mosley, Mimi Spencer

Raw challenge by The 30-day Program to Help You Lose Weight and Improve Your Diet and Health With Raw Foods Lisa Montgomery

Jumpstart to skinny: the simple 3-week plan for supercharged weight loss by Bob Harper ; with Greg Critser

Clean Gut: the breakthrough plan for eliminating the root cause of disease and revolutionizing your health by Junger, Alejandro

The fast metabolism diet: eat more food & lose more weight by Haylie Pomroy, celebrity nutritionist, wellness consultant ; with Eve Adamson

Vb6 by Eat Vegan Before 6:00 to Lose Weight and Restore Your Health . . . for Good Mark Bittman

The honest life: living naturally and true to you by Jessica Alba

The MELT method: a breakthrough self-treatment system to eliminate chronic pain, erase the signs of aging, and feel fantastic in just 10 minutes a day! by Sue Hitzmann ; with Debbie Karch