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Great Ghost Adventure (Youth Book)

Ghost knight by Cornelia Funke ; translated by Oliver Latsch ; [illustrated by Andrea Offermann] will keep you in rapt suspense with terrifying ghosts, an ancient mystery, and present day conflicts. Eleven-year-old Jon is shipped off to Salisbury Cathedral's boarding school, in part because he loathes his soon-to-be dentist stepfather. Vengeful ghosts begin attacking Jon almost immediately, but luckily he finds help from the lovely, albeit mysterious, Ella whose grandmother is a reputed ghost expert. She insists that Jon's only hope is to summon the ghost of the late knight Longspee. Will Longspee help? Can he be trusted? Why are the time-traveling ghosts of Lord Stourton and his servants so intent on killing Jon anyway? Based on actual historical events, people, and purported ghosts, spiced with humor and heart-warming friendships, this latest work by Funke is one awesome reading adventure.