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Do You Know What's in Your Cereal?

Cold cereal by Adam Rex — If you are a cereal lover as I am, you may never be able to eat it again with impunity after reading this book. However, this zany, fast-paced, hilarious fantasy adventure by Rex is totally worth it. Scott Doe has the ability to see magical creatures that no one else can, but doesn't really realize it. Emily and Erno are super smart twins involved in an nefarious experiment, but do not know it. Goodco Cereal Company is capturing magical beings and draining the "glamour" from them to use as an addictive additive to their products, but consumers haven't a clue. A bigfoot butler, a snarky leprechaun, and a rabbit-headed man are some of the lucky few creatures who have managed to escape Goodco's ever-expanding power. Kids and creatures unite in an attempt to thwart Goodco's evil agenda, but the odds are definitely against them. A massive explosion at the end leaves the reader dangling. It was rather awful really to be left with so many questions about characters you had come to love. Then I re-read the reviews and, fear not, sequels are planned that will continue this fantastic, satiric, spell-binding story.