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Music CDs by Chart-Toppers

If you are looking for some children's music that is not your ordinary lullaby or nursery rhyme, then check out these cd's by some popular artists.

Here comes science [sound recording] by They Might Be Giants

Snacktime! [sound recording] by Barenaked Ladies

Here come the 123s [sound recording] by They Might Be Giants

Camp Lisa [sound recording] by [Lisa Loeb]

Curious George [sound recording]: sing-a-longs and lullabies for the film by Jack Johnson and friends

Victor Vito [sound recording] by Laurie Berkner

Here come the ABCs [sound recording] by They Might Be Giants

House party [sound recording] by Dan Zanes and friends

Ralph's world [sound recording]: the amazing adventures of Kid Astro by [Ralph Covert]

Welcome to Ralph's world [sound recording] by Ralph's World