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Stress Management

The complete idiot's guide to managing stress [electronic resource] by Jeff Davidson — A revised and updated edition to managing the number-one cause of chronic illness — stress.

Good stress, bad stress : an indispensable guide to identifying and managing your stress by Barry Lenson — Lenson’s book is based on the theory that a certain amount of stress is necessary in order for humans to reach their potential.

In control : no more snapping at your family, sulking at work, steaming in the grocery line, seething at meetings, stuffing your frustration by Redford Williams & Virginia Williams — The authors teach readers how to handle all types of stressful situations.

Undoing perpetual stress : the missing connection between depression, anxiety, and 21st century illness by Richard O'Connor — The author of "Undoing Depression" gives readers a new approach to modern misery by revealing the missing connection between depression, anxiety, and 21st-century illness.

Full catastrophe living : using the wisdom of your body and mind to face stress, pain, and illness by Jon Kabat- Zinn — The author uses the techniques of breathing, walking meditation, sitting meditation and yoga postures to promote wellness and reduce stress.

The little book of yoga breathing : pranayama made easy by Scott Shaw — The 15 breathing exercises outlined in this book are designed to calm and de-stress.

The daily six : six simple steps to find the perfect balance of prosperity and purpose by John Chappelear — Outlines strategies for becoming financially and professionally successful without compromising one's beliefs, with recommendations for the daily practice of six truths.