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Summer Reads

It's hot outside! Kids, enjoy some books about how others beat the heat. If you want to cool off, chill out and read a book at the library — we have air conditioning! Here are some hot summery picture books and easy reader books. Keep cool, and don't forget your sunscreen!

Amanda Pig and the really hot day by Jean Van Leeuwen; pictures by Ann Schweninger

Hot dog by Molly Coxe

Clifford keeps cool by Norman Bridwell

One hot summer day by Nina Crews

Think cool thoughts by Elizabeth Perry; illustrated by Linda Bronson

Heat wave by written by Eileen Spinelli; illustrated by Betsy Lewin

Wet dog! by Elise Broach; illustrations by David Catrow

When Catherine the Great and I were eight! by Cari Best; pictures by Giselle Potter