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Mad Men at CPL

The New York Public Library posted a list last month with many of the books that appear or are mentioned in the acclaimed TV series Mad Men. If you love the show, or are looking for what people may have read in the 1960s, these are the titles from the NYPL list that CPL has:

The best of everything: a novel by Rona Jaffe

The chrysanthemum and the sword: patterns of Japanese culture by Ruth Benedict; with a foreword by Ezra F. Vogel

Exodus by Leon Uris

Lady Chatterley's lover by D.H. Lawrence; with Archibald MacLeish's letter to Barney Rosset; an introduction by Mark Schorer; and Judge Bryan's decision in the obscenity case

Novels 1926-1929 by William Faulkner

Atlas shrugged by Ayn Rand

The decline and fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon; the text edited by J.B. Bury, with the notes by Mr. Gibbon, the introduction and the index as prepared by professor Bury; with an introduction by Dr. Daniel J. Boorstin; illustrated from the etchings by Gian Battista Piranesi

Games people play: the psychology of human relationships by Eric Berne

Babylon revisited and other stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Ship of fools by Porter, Katherine Anne, 1890-1980

The agony and the ecstasy: a novel of Michelangelo by Irving Stone; edited by Jean Stone

The clue of the black keys by Carolyn Keene

Like this list? Check out others, like LibraryThing user TheIsland, which is a collection of all books featured on LOST. Also, check out Thomas Jefferson's libraries, courtesy of the "I See Dead People's Books" group on LT.

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