Seeing Trees

Seeing trees: discover the extraordinary secrets of everyday trees by Nancy Ross Hugo ; photography by Robert Llewellyn

Trees are all around us, but how often do we really look at them? This book takes a VERY close look and includes stunningly detailed photographs of trees and their constituent parts. Once you've looked through this book, every walk through your neighborhood will be an opportunity to notice these incredible details. Check out the video preview for a sneak peek.

Concrete Garden Projects

Concrete garden projects: easy & inexpensive containers, furniture, water features & more by Malin Nilsson, Camilla Arvidsson — Concrete may not be one of the first materials that comes to mind for DIY projects, but there are a lot of things you can make from it and it's not difficult to do yourself. This book includes instructions and ideas for lots of items you can use in the garden, such as stepping stones, water features, benches, accent pieces, and more.

The Knitter's Book of Socks

The knitter's book of socks: the yarn lover's ultimate guide to creating socks that fit well, feel great, and last a lifetime by Clara Parkes

Socks! Now that I've got your attention, take a look at this book. It contains everything you've ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask about handknit socks. From the qualities you need in the yarn you choose to the different types of fibers available to the types of ply you can select, this book's got it all. It also includes patterns for twenty different pairs of socks as well as tips and tricks that may come in handy during sock knitting.

Simplicity Simply the Best Sewing Book

Simplicity simply the best sewing book: the essential reference for all home sewers by [illustrations by Kuo Kang Chen]

This book is a terrific place to start for those wishing to begin sewing with commercial patterns. It also includes a lot of general sewing information that will be useful whether you're using patterns or not. If you're wondering how to achieve a particular technique or need to know how to decipher some sewing instructions, this book will likely have the information you're looking for.

Closet Monsters

Closet monsters: stitch creatures you'll love from clothing you don't by written & illustrated by John Murphy

We all know that closets are havens for scary monsters that come out after dark, but did you know that your closet can also be the source for making your own terrifying creatures? These critters are all made from clothing, so you can re-use your old stuff, or maybe drop by our local Goodwill to find some monster fodder. This book gives step by step instructions for 13 unique creatures, and from there you can customize them to make them as scary or cute as you'd like.

Good Bug Bad Bug

Good bug, bad bug: who's who, what they do, and how to manage them organically (all you need to know about the insects in your garden) by Jessica Walliser

They may be creepy crawly, but bugs can be your best friends when it comes to gardening. This book offers details on both pests and beneficial insects, many of which can be used to control the pests. With color photos, this book provides a clear illustration of both the insect itself and, for pests, the type of damage it does to plants.

CTT Book Discussion Kits Have Moved

The CTT Book Discussion Kits have moved and are now located in the Tween Scene. As ever, you can check out one of these kits to have your own book discussion. Each kit includes eight copies of the book and a resource guide that includes discussion questions. We have over 100 titles available, of interest to school age kids from kindergarten through high school.

What Plant When

What plant when by [writers, Martin Page, with Andrea Loom]

It can be tricky to plant a garden that always has something blooming through the seasons. This book lists plants in order of season, from early spring through winter, and within each season offers plants according to their color, making it easy to find ideas that will fit in your garden. It also lists plants that are pleasing throughout all seasons, whether it be from their blooms or their foliage.

Zombie Felties

Zombie felties: how to raise 16 gruesome felt creatures from the undead by Nicola Tedman & Sarah Skeate

Who doesn't love a cute zombie? This book has a whole cast of the adorable undead, from the Thrilla, Classic, and Bunny Zombies seen on the cover to zombie kitties, babies, brides, and many more. These crafts are easy to make and a lot of fun besides. Find more about zombie felties on Facebook.
