
Thorndyke the Bear in a Mask on the Childrens Reference Desk


Hey Kids,

I've been at the library for a long time, which means I have a lot of memories about the library. These memories include the outfits I've worn, the programs I've attended, the librarians I've worked with, and all the improvements that have taken place at the library. Do you have library memories? I would love to get a letter or drawing about your memories in the mail

I've had a lot of time to think about my library memories lately. Recently I wrote a little bit about how difficult change can be, but one of the good parts of change is that it gives you a reason to revisit old memories. Sometimes these are memories of another person, or a place, or of yourself when you were younger. Sometimes they are sad, but they can be funny or happy, too. Sometimes you might feel differently about the memory than you did during the actual experience. Sometimes two people have different memories about the same experience.

It can be very fun to ask your parents, grandparents, or other family members about their memories and stories from their childhood. But memories are not just about the past: you are making new memories RIGHT NOW. You can help your future self remember by writing down what happens to you, or by making a memory book.

Below, I included some memories of the different Reference Desks: do you remember these? There are also some books about memories you can put on hold and check out. Enjoy your stroll down memory lane!

Bear Hugs,


Thorndyke Sitting at the Reference Desk

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