CPL Connect

Thorndyke the Bear in a Mask to Prevent spreading virus


Hey Kids,

As you can see, I've been equipped with a pretty cool facemask, which helps to protect my coworkers now that they have started to return to work. It has been really nice to see them again; the last three months have been very lonely. The fish are not much for conversation.

Being isolated for so long was hard, but I've gotten used to it. And now that we are starting to offer limited services, things are going to change again. And I'm excited for when that means I can see you all again, but change can be really difficult even if it's also good.

Fortunately, I'm no stranger to changing circumstances. I've been through several lengthy construction projects that were at least as long as this closure. I've seen some of my favorite librarians come and go. Even if it looks like I am handling these changes like a champ, there are a lot of feelings and emotions I've had to work through each time.

Whether a change is scary or exciting, it's a good time to talk through your feelings and expectations. Ask questions about what might happen, and prepare for when things don't go exactly the way you want. For example, I thought when my coworkers returned that I would get a lot more snacks, but that didn't pan out. 

So stay safe until I can see you again. I can't wait to check out your mask fashion. And in the meantime, I've included some photos of me that show how much things have changed around library, and a few books about changes you could check out.

Bear hugs,


Thorndyke the Bear dressed as a clown in the library over 20 years ago
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