
What were you reading in 1988? Check out this list to jog your memory.

The cardinal of the Kremlin by 1947-2013 Tom Clancy

History? Biography? Science? What were you reading in 1988? Check out this list to jog your memory.

A brief history of time by 1942- Stephen Hawking
The power of myth by 1904-1987 Joseph Campbell

Bestsellers in Health

NY Times Bestsellers List Delivered Weekly

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Are you enrolled in Master the Art of Reading, the Adult Summer Reading program this year? If you are thinking of reading a NYTimes bestseller, you can have a list of the top fifteen New York Times Bestsellers Fiction and/or Non-Fiction titles sent to you every week via BookLetters, the library's emailed newsletter. BookLetters offers a wide variety of emailed newsletters with reviews of books and audiobooks available at Canton Public Library.

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