Picture Books Teaching Honesty

Honesty is a challenging skill for children to learn. Sometimes it is hard to tell the truth while other times telling the truth can hurt someone's feelings. Here are some picture books that help introduce the concept of honesty for children. 

David gets in trouble by David Shannon

When David gets in trouble, he has excuses right up until bedtime, when he realizes he really is sorry.

Ben has so often tried to convince people he has seen Bigfoot that when a real yeti arrives and borrows his bicycle, no one comes to see if Ben is telling the truth.

Little Croc's purse by Lizzie Finlay

When Little Croc and his friends find a purse filled with money, they must decide whether to spend the money or turn in the purse.

Brother and Sister Bear learn how important it is to tell the truth after they accidentally break Mama Bear's most favorite lamp.

After promising never to lie, Libby learns that it's not always necessary to blurt out the whole truth either.

Franklin fibs by Paulette Bourgeois

In this funny story, Franklin learns it's always better to tell the truth.