62 Days of Summer

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Take our 62 Days of Summer Survey and let us know how our revised program worked for you, and what you'd like to see in the future.

From June 15 to August 15, 2020, whenever you read, do an activity, or attend a program, come here to claim your pompoms.

Ready to get started? Here’s how to participate in 62 Days of Summer 2020 When you're ready, click on a sidewalk square to see suggested reading lists, activities, and programs. Then claim a pompom below! Share how you earned it on social media with the hashtag #howdoyou62.

Share with us how you earned your pompoms using #howdoyou62
See how others earned pompoms:

Total Pompoms Earned

How many pompoms have we all earned together?
807 Red Pompoms
623 Orange Pompoms
173 Purple Pompoms

Pompom Tracker

Prefer to track it the old-fashioned way? Download this paper pompom tracker and color in a pompom when you read a book, complete an activity or a program. You can journal about your summer using this notebook-style tracker.

Note for Parents

The 62 Days of Summer 2020 program, while emphasizing reading, leaves control for which pompoms to earn (and for what reason) in the hands of the user. As Canton Public Library does not act in loco parentis, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that children read appropriately to earn their pompoms rests with the parent.

We appreciate all feedback, on 62 Days of Summer or otherwise, so contact us with suggestions for how to improve the program for next year!