
Hey Kids,

I registered for Connect Your Summer and picked up my StoryBox. I decided to decorate my box like a good friend of mine, Bear. You might recognize him.

I had a hard time thinking of a goal. I want to read a lot this summer, but I don't want to make my goal too troublesome to reach. After thinking about it for a good long time, instead of picking a number of books or a number of minutes, I decided I wanted to read with someone every day. 

So if you're in the library this summer, please stop by. Read me a story if you have time. I love all kinds of stories. And don't forget to take a picture with me. You can print a copy for your StoryBox (and one for mine, if you like), or you can share your picture online. Don't forget to tag it #CYSstorybox.

Can't wait to see you all this summer.

Bear hugs,


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