
A sparkler in Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty by Jamie Street from Unsplash


Complete one READ square by doing one thing to renew your interest in reading or to spice up your reading life.


Readers of all ages, interests, and skill levels sometimes have trouble generating enthusiasm to pick up a book. Maybe you are a young reader trying to gain skills, maybe you are a reader who hasn't found a book you truly enjoy yet, or maybe you are normally an avid reader who has lost the ability to concentrate on a story.


Regardless of what has caused your reading rut, try a few of these tips to get your reading spark firing again. Even if your reading pace has not flagged, use these tips to bring a fun twist to your reading life.


  • Return to a book you love. Familiar stories can be revisited without the same level of energy required to start something new. An old favorite can also bring comfort during a stressful time.


  • Explore a different format. Regardless of age or interest, there are picture books and graphic novels available for every level; a visual story might be more engaging. Or dive into an audio book and just embrace the sound of words. 


  • Grab a book of poems. Ranging from silly to serious, poems or novels in verse use a more minimalist approach to language that might be appealing.




  • Pair a book with a movie. Read and then watch, and then discuss with a friend or family member. Which did you like better?


  • Focus on writing. Try keeping a journal, writing a poem, or writing letters to people you love and miss seeing. Get your brain thinking about words.
Bend in the path through a forest near Marl Lake, Michigan
Child at bottom of stairs by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash


Complete one READ square by setting a challenge. 

A traditional summer reading challenge takes the form of reading a set number of books, or a set number of pages, or even a set number of minutes. Recently, reading challenges have expanded in scope and offer many ways to broaden your reading horizons. You can choose any reading challenge that fits your needs, and here are a few suggestions.


Just the Data

  • Use our 62 Days of Summer tracking sheets to keep track of basic numbers. Write down titles as you read them, or color in time units. Choose the best method for you. 
  • Try Scholastic Summer Read-a-Palooza Tracker to track your reading streaks and unlock book donations.
  • If you’re focusing on numbers this summer, you might find that committing to a Goodreads challenge helps you keep track of your efforts and you can maintain it over time.


Gentle Guidance

One of the most basic reading challenges is Gene Luen Yang’s Read Without Walls Challenge. Only three books long, you read one book about a character who’s unlike you, one book about a topic you know nothing about, and one book in a format you don’t usually read.


Looking for Extras

  • Barnes and Noble has a Summer Reading journal for grades 1-6. Print and fill out the journal, and then it becomes a coupon for a free book.
  • Nicola's Books in Ann Arbor has a Summer Reading Club for grades K-8 in which participants can read to earn a series of $6 coupons.
  • Join SYNC, a free audiobook summer program for teens and gain access to select free audiobooks through July.


Laser Focus

Are you keen on a theme? Love westerns, or want to only read mysteries this summer? Penguin Random House has compiled a series of 20-book challenges all centered on different themes. There are even themes designed for readers who want to expand their horizons, including one made up of debut novels and one with many different genres.

Woman reading under a tree by Start Digital on Unsplash
Dog Reading a Book by Jamie Street on Unsplash.jpg


Complete a READ square by reading something, or by doing something to put yourself in a literary frame of mind. So whether you already have a book in mind, or you need a little help getting started, we have some ideas for you.



Head back to the 62 Days of Summer home page for more ways to participate in the summer program.

Thorndyke Reading a Book


Hey Library People,

So many books exist in the world. It's hard to know which ones to read. If you might be interested in something lovely and hopeful, or funny and well-crafted, all about the importance of books and reading, try one of these books. I hope you like them as much as I do. They might look mostly for kids, but don't let that stop you from grabbing one. They're great even if you're old. I'm no spring chicken myself, and I love all of these.

Bear Hugs,



The book tree by Paul Czajak

When young Arlo accidentally drops a book on the Mayor's head, the Mayor decides books are dangerous and destroys all the books in town! But thanks to Arlo's imagination and perseverance, the Mayor finds that suppressing stories cannot stop them from blossoming more beautifully than ever. 

Hey Kids,

I registered for Connect Your Summer and picked up my StoryBox. I decided to decorate my box like a good friend of mine, Bear. You might recognize him.

I had a hard time thinking of a goal. I want to read a lot this summer, but I don't want to make my goal too troublesome to reach. After thinking about it for a good long time, instead of picking a number of books or a number of minutes, I decided I wanted to read with someone every day. 

So if you're in the library this summer, please stop by. Read me a story if you have time. I love all kinds of stories. And don't forget to take a picture with me. You can print a copy for your StoryBox (and one for mine, if you like), or you can share your picture online. Don't forget to tag it #CYSstorybox.

Can't wait to see you all this summer.

Bear hugs,


Thorndyke as Leia

Hey Kids,

Did you know it’s one of my favorite times of the year? Connect Your Summer is kicking off today! If you haven’t already started earning badges, check out our Connect Your Summer webpage to find out everything you need to know to have a great summer at your library. Encourage your whole family to participate and you can read, listen, and come to the library together. You can even follow what I’ve been doing to earn badges if you need more inspiration.

Bear Hugs,


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