Snap a Photo

Grab your smartphone, dig out an old camera, or purchase one online. Photography can be a fun, artistic outlet that begins with you and a camera but can evolve into so much more. Whether at home, in nature, or about town, you can discover endless subjects to capture and share with family or across social media. Check out these links to get started.

Head back to the 62 Days of Summer page for more ways to participate in the summer program!

Photography How-tos

Art and Photography

The Detroit Institute of Arts, along with many art museums across the world, want you to photograph yourself imitating your favorite works of art! 

1. View the DIA's virtual collection or the site of your favorite art museum (The MET, The Guggenheim, The Louvre, etc) to find inspiring works.

2. Dress up and pose to recreate characters throughout art history and have some one snap a pic.

3. Use your favorite social media platform and appropriate hashtags to share your interpretation with the world.

The J. Paul Getty Museum (CA) issued a playful challenge on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to re-create your favorite art using just three objects lying around home.

Use LEGOs to create still-life images and post using the hashtag. Check out the book on hoopla

Photo Apps